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What are "tithes and offerings"?

The word tithe simply means 10%. All throughout the scripture in both the Old and New Testament we see that God receives tithes. Tithing is a way that we honour God with the "first and the best" or "firstfruits" of our increase. Tithing is always dealing with substance (financial or material substance) and is the first way that a believer demonstrates to God, gratefulness and honour.


While tithes are the first 10% some desire to be a greater blessing and give above and beyond the tithe. Anything above the tithes, is an offering to God.


What are “tithes and offerings” used for?
These are our primary fund which cover our general expenses and supports the mission of why we exist as a church.


As a church when tithes and offerings come in they are allocated accordingly:


General fund  is where tithes and other offerings that are not allocated by the giver get deposited. The general fund is used for general day-to-day operations of the ministry.


We also have special accounts - including:

  • Building Fund

  • Missions Fund

  • Cemetery Fund

  • Special Projects


How will my donations be used?
Your donations are primarily used to help us communicate the Gospel of Jesus to children, students and adults through the work of Full Gospel Christian Fellowship. We are not sponsored by any group or denomination; therefore, the vast majority of our income comes from donors. Also, Full Gospel Christian Fellowship financially supports local and international charities that we believe align with our mission.


To Whom is Full Gospel Christian Fellowship accountable?
All of the expenditures of Full Gospel Christian Fellowship are reviewed and approved by the Board of Directors. Full Gospel Christian Fellowship as a registered charity also must give accurate account of all expenditures to the CRA, in order to maintain charitable status.


Will I get a tax receipt?
Yes. Annual Canadian tax receipts are mailed to your home at the beginning of February for all donations of $10 or more. You can receive up to 40% of your offerings back from the government through your tax return depending on how much you give and your income level.


Can I give by debit / credit card?
Yes, through PayPal. As seen below in the ways in which you can give.


Will my personal information be kept confidential?
Yes. Full Gospel Christian Fellowship keeps all personal information confidential. Your contributions are kept in strict confidence, and only those who process the information for tax receipts and use it for planning purposes have access to the records. We will not share any personal information unless required by law. All employees and directors who have access to financial records have signed “confidentiality agreements”.


How much should I give?
Many times giving in the Bible (Old and New Testament) is referenced in terms of percentages. A “tithe” (10%) of our income is generally a good place to start. For some, 10% sounds like a lot of money, and they choose to start at a lower percentage and increase that amount over time. Many others choose to give with radical generosity and give well above 10%. Everyone who attends a local church should see themselves as a contributor to that local body; finances is one of the ways we can be generous. Giving, resources the church and blesses the giver.


A sample of Bible verses on generosity.

  • But just as you excel in everything—in faith, in speech, in knowledge, in complete earnestness and in your love for us —see that you also excel in this grace of giving. (2 Corinthians 8:7)

  • A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed. (Proverbs 11:25)

  • For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. (Matthew 6:21)


Designated Donation Policy of Full Gospel Christian Fellowship

Spending funds is confined to church approved programs or projects, which are determined by the Board of Directors. Each restricted contribution designated towards a church approved program or project will be used as designated. The understanding being that, when the need for such a program or project has been met, or the program or project ceases to function, or continue for any reason as determined by the Board of Directors, the remaining restricted contributions designated for such program or project will be used where most needed as determined by the Board of Directors.

Ways to Give


(Email Money Transfer) is one of the securist and quickest ways for the church to receive a donation. Once the money is sent, it will be automatically deposited into the church’s general bank account.


You can send your donation through online banking to “”.


Most banks offer an option to attach a note or memo to the transaction for the receiver. If you would like to designate your offering to a specific cause or project please make that note on your EMT, otherwise it will be included in the general funds of the church.



PayPal is another secure and easy method for you to give online. You can use PayPal if you would like to give by credit card. To give click on the following link:




paypal donate button

By Mail or in-person

PO Box 190

1 Durrell St., Durrell,

Twillingate, NL

Canada A0G 1Y0

Giving by mail is another option when giving to Full Gospel Christian Fellowship. Please note that this method is slower, and we do not recommend that you send cash through the mail.


Either send a certified cheque, or money order. 


You can always bring your tithe or offering directly to the church in-person at one of our services or call our office to arrange a different drop-off time.

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